Saturday 4 February 2012

Another 10 miles done!

We did another 10 miles on Wednesday 1st February! We did it in 2hrs 40 mins, knocking about a minute off of each mile!!!!

 Did a gorgeous walk to Sandbanks Peninsula and back. The sun was out and although there was a slight chill in the air, it was beautiful.

It definitely felt easier this time. Maybe because there were not so many hilly sections, but more manageable. 10 miles was always my mental wall, so I am so happy to have got passed there.

We are walking 8 tomorrow (maybe with a stop for a cuppa), 5 on Monday and then Wednesday we are going for 12!!!!

We have worked out that 12 miles is to Castle Lane Tesco and back so should be nice and flat! Think those extra 2 miles are going to be bit of a challenge.

Apparently some people have said to not get so fixated on getting to 20 miles before the walk, but I think the nearer we can get to full distance the better!

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